Para quem gosta de acompanhar e estudar sobre Rails, acaba de ser lançada a revista Rails Magazine.
Infelizmente não vai existir publicações no Brasil, mas será disponibilizado uma versão em pdf no site.
Abaixo segue o anuncio do lançamento:
I am happy to announce the very first issue of Rails Magazine!
This edition has 36 pages full of quality content, is printed in glossy full-color and can be ordered in US, UK and Canada. The paper
is FSC certified for minimal environment impact.
The free digital edition (PDF) is well underway and will be available globally in about 2 weeks.
I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the magazine, and invite others to do the same.
Please visit our web site for previews and additional details:
If you like the idea of a high-quality, free Ruby and Rails publication, please help us promote Rails Magazine. Tweet, blog, link
to us, join us on Facebook and otherwise spread the word:!
Thank you,
Olimpiu Metiu
Editor | Rails Magazine