Problema com eclipse 64 bits

Tentei colocar o eclipse de 64 bits no meu note com o win7 mas quando vou executá-lo ele mostra a seguinte msg:

"A java runtime enviromentno java virtu (JRE) or Java development kit (jDK) masbe available inorder to run Eclipse.
No java virtual machine was found after searching the following lacation:

javaw.exe in your current PATH"

O que faço?

Ops foi mau.


"A java Runtime enviroment(JRE) or Java development kit (jDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse.
No java virtual machine was found after searching the following lacation:

javaw.exe in your current PATH"

Vc instalou o JDK para 64 bits?


O eclipe ja tem uma instalação do jdk.
Só precisei instalar uma JVM que rodou de boa.


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