Caros amigos do GUJ!
Esse ano estou a frente de um evento de padrões que irá ocorrer em São Paulo, no dia 25/09.
Detalhes podem ser vistos na página:
Divulgo abaixo a chamada de trabalhos que foi estendida para o dia 12/07. Se você é desenvolvedor e observou que certas soluções são utilizadas de forma recorrente em diferentes contextos, não perca tempo! Escreva um padrão e submeta para o MiniPLoP!
Já temos a presença confirmada de dois grandes nomes internacionais: Joseph Yoder e Brian Foote.
Segue abaixo a chamada de trabalhos:
Latin American Miniconference on Pattern Languages of Programming
(MiniPLoP Brazil 2011)
São Paulo, Brazil, September 25, 2011
(co-located with Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft 2011))
Submissions Due: 12 Jul 2011
Shepherding Starts: 15 Jul 2011
Shepherd recommendations due: 15 August 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 22 August 2011
Final Conference Copy Due: 31 August 2011
Conference Date: 25 September 2011
Software developers have long observed that certain patterns recur and endure across different applications and systems. The growing interest in patterns represents an effort to catalog and better communicate knowledge, providing handbooks of proven solutions to common problems. The purpose of MiniPLoP is to promote development of patterns and pattern languages, primarily about aspects of software: design and programming, testing, software architecture, user interface design, domain modeling, and software processes. Patterns and pattern languages for domains outside software are also welcome.
MiniPLoP brings together students, researchers, educators, and practitioners whose interests span a remarkably broad range of topics and who share an interest in exploring the power of the pattern form.
This version of MiniPLoP has the goal to encourage the beginners in the pattern world and to put together the Latin-american pattern community. The MiniPLoP program will accept submissions for the Writers’ Workshop (WW) track. The papers should document patterns or pattern languages and they will be workshopped in the traditional PLoP format. The authors will have the opportunity to improve their work based on the feedback obtained from MiniPLoP. The idea is to encourage authors to submit more mature versions of the their MiniPLoP papers to SugarLoafPLoP or other PloP conference.
The MiniPLoP’2011 program will include an introduction to pattern writing (bootcamp), an international tutorial, an international keynote, and the writers? workshops.
- Writers’ Workshop (WW)
There has been a recognition that the writers? workshop process is beneficial for the production of high quality papers ever since the first patterns conference or PLoP was held in 1994. Attendees will participate in a writers? workshop of their paper as well as writers? workshops for papers of other attendees in their group. Participants who do not have a paper to workshop are also invited. Everyone will be expected to read all the papers in their groups in advance.
The MiniPLoP experience provides something different, but needed, in the patterns community ? a “bootcamp” for newcomers. This section provides an introduction to patterns: a training, mentoring, experiencing activity, where participants will be immersed in patterns and emerge with an enlarged perspective and an ability to get more out of all PLoPs conferences. The section format consists of a variety of lecture, discussion, group pattern writing, game playing, and writers’ workshop - not necessarily in that order.
Paper submission can already be performed via the online EasyChair system using the following URL:
Papers can be written in English (preferred), Portuguese, or Spanish and must conform to the SBC (Brazilian Computer Society) style that is available in the conference web site. Submissions should be in PDF format.
General Chairs: Eduardo Guerra (ITA, Brazil)
Fabio Kon (IME/USP, Brazil)
Program Co-Chairs: Joseph Yoder (U. Illinois/The Refactory, Inc, USA)
Claudio Sant’Anna (Federal University of Bahia, Brazil)
Local Organization: Eduardo Guerra (ITA, Brazil)
Fábio Kon (IME/USP, Brazil)
Allan Machado da Silva (ITA, Brazil)
Carlos Eduardo Moreira dos Santos (IME/USP, Brazil)
José Roberto Campos Perillo (ITA, Brazil)
Jefferson de Oliveira Silva (ITA, Brazil)
Daniel Cukier (Locaweb, Brazil)
Ademar Aguiar (INESC Porto/University of Porto, Portugal)
Brian Foote (Industrial Logic, Inc, USA)
Eduardo Guerra (ITA, Brazil)
Filipe Correia (Porto University, Portugal)
Gustavo H. Rossi (Lifia/UNLP, Argentina)
Hugo Sereno Ferreira (INESC Porto/University of Porto, Portugal)
Jerffeson Teixeira de Souza (UECE, Brazil)
Linda Rising (Independent Consultant, USA)
Lise Hvatum (Schlumberger, USA)
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock (Wirfs-Brock Associates, USA)
Richard Gabriel (IBM Research, USA)
Roberta Coelho (DIMAp/UFRN, Brazil)
Rohit Gueyi (DSC/UFCG, Brazil)
Rosana Braga (ICMC/USP, Brazil)
Rossana Andrade (DC/UFC, Brazil)
Sergio Soares (CIn/UFPE, Brazil)
Tiago Massoni (DSC/UFCG, Brazil)
Uirá Kulesza (DIMAP/UFRN, Brazil)
For further information, please visit the conference home page
For questions regarding the conference program or paper submission,
contact the PC chairs, Claudio Sant’Anna (santanna at
or Joseph Yoder (joe at
For other questions contact the general chairs, Eduardo Guerra
(guerraem at or Fabio Kon (kon at