<html:select /> STRUTS

eu tenho uma página JSP de alteração de dados que busco informações vindos de um cadastro de horarios …
eu tenho 2 classes:
uma chamada QuadroHorariosVO

public class QuadroHorariosVO { private int tipoHorario; private int CodGrau; private int CodLocalidade; private String AnoSemestre; private int CodDiaSemana; private String CodDisciplina; private String CodTurma; private Date horarioInicial; private Date horarioFinal;

Outra chamada QuadroDisciplinaVO

public class QuadroDisciplinasVO {

    private Collection quadroHorariosVO;
    private Collection quadroVagasVO;

e seus respectivos getters and setteres…

tenho tbm um Action que num detereminado momento chama:

 else if (tipo.equalsIgnoreCase("VerificaHorario")) {    	 
    	  ActionErrors errors = cadastroActionForm.validate(mapping,request); 
    	  ManutencaoTurmaBean turma = new  ManutencaoTurmaBean();
    	  String periodoI = request.getParameter("periodoI");
          String periodoF = request.getParameter("periodoF");
          String Modulo = request.getParameter("modulo1");	
          String qtdsemanas = request.getParameter("numsemana");
          String teorica = (String)cadastroActionForm.get("cargahorteorica");
          String pratica = (String)cadastroActionForm.get("cargahorpratica");
          String est = (String)cadastroActionForm.get("cargahorest");    
          // Instância a Lista de Horarios
          Collection listaHorarios = new ArrayList();          
          if (periodoI == "") {
              errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("erro.horario.periodoI"));
          if (periodoF == "") {
              errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("erro.horario.periodoF"));
          if (periodoF == ""){
              errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("erro.horario.Modulo"));
          if (qtdsemanas == "") {
              errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new ActionError("erro.horario.qtdsemanas"));
          if (errors.size() == 0) {
              SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");  	    
                if (request.getParameter("SegundaI").trim() != "") {     	     
	            	QuadroHorariosVO quadrohor = new QuadroHorariosVO();
	        	    String HoraInicio = turma.trataHora(request.getParameter("SegundaI"));
	        	    String HoraFinal = turma.trataHora(request.getParameter("SegundaF"));
	            if (request.getParameter("TercaI").trim() != "") {
	            	QuadroHorariosVO quadrohor = new QuadroHorariosVO();
		            String HoraInicio = turma.trataHora(request.getParameter("TercaI"));
		        	String HoraFinal = turma.trataHora(request.getParameter("TercaF"));


e no JSP

<html:select property="horarioInicial">
<option value=""></option>
<html:options collection="listaHorarios" property="SegundaI" labelProperty="label" />

e da erro:
javax.servlet.ServletException: No getter method available for property horarioInicial for bean under name org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

o que fazer?
Aceito ajudas!

Primeiramente, pelo visto está faltando a tag <html:form>. Todos os elementos de entrada devem estar entre <html:form> … </html:form>.

Por exemplo:

&lt;html&#58;form action=&quot;/FacaAlgumaCoisa.do&quot; method=&quot;POST&quot;&gt; &lt;TD align=&quot;left&quot;&gt; &lt;FIELDSET class=&quot;fieldparametro&quot;&gt;&lt;LEGEND&gt;Ordenar por&#58;&lt;/LEGEND&gt; &lt;html&#58;radio property=&quot;ordenacao&quot; value=&quot;lotacao&quot;&gt;Lotacao&lt;/html&#58;radio&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;html&#58;radio property=&quot;ordenacao&quot; value=&quot;nome&quot;&gt;Nome&lt;/html&#58;radio&gt;&lt;br&gt; &lt;html&#58;radio property=&quot;ordenacao&quot; value=&quot;qtd&quot;&gt;Qtd. Acessos&lt;/html&#58;radio&gt; &lt;/FIELDSET&gt;&lt;/TD&gt; &lt;/html&#58;form&gt;

Especificamente sobre sua mensagem de erro:
"No getter method for property XXXX of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
Exception javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method for property username of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN
Probable Causes No getXXXX() method defined for form field with name XXXX
This can happen if the JSP/Struts developer forgets that the name of the get method will have the same spelling as the value supplied in the Struts tag’s property attribute, but that case will be different and is based on JavaBean specification rules. For example, my form class should have a getUsername method if my Struts form-related tag has username as the value for its property attribute. Note the difference in case marked with emphasis on the letter "U."
Related Links Case can trip up the matching between get method’s name and name specified in Struts tag
http://saloon.javaranch.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=58&t=000163 "

Tem um documento muito legal sobre erros de struts em geral. Vale a pena salvar.