Boa tarde,
Gostaria de saber, alguém já executou este tutorial sobre Composição de Serviços? Eu já o fiz ele algumas vezes mas não consigo mais fazer funcionar corretamente e me aparecem essas linhas, quando mando rodar o servidor pelo apache usando o ODE.
Depois de rodar o projeto tenho os seguintes erros.
Já fiz algumas vezes, usando o Apache Tomcat e ODE e o Eclipse RCP com os devidos plugins instalados e estou tendo este erro nas linhas do console.
[quote]ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Scheduled job failed; jobDetail={type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Error while processing transaction, retrying.
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Scheduled job failed; jobDetail={retry=1, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Error while processing transaction, retrying.
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Scheduled job failed; jobDetail={retry=2, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Error while processing transaction, retrying.
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Scheduled job failed; jobDetail={retry=3, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Job could not be completed after 3: hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtq [3]: {retry=3, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Rescheduling problematic job for a bit later: hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtq [3]: {retry=3, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Error while processing transaction, no retry.
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Scheduled job failed; jobDetail={retry=3, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, final=true, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Job could not be completed after 3: hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtr [3]: {retry=3, type=INVOKE_INTERNAL, final=true, pid={http://helloWorld}HelloWorld-4, mexid=hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd}
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(108) | Error while processing transaction, no retry.
ERROR - GeronimoLog.error(104) | Timeout or execution error when waiting for response to MEX {MyRoleMex#hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtd [Client hqejbhcnphr4gcdbb4awtc] calling {http://helloWorld}HelloWorldProcessService.process(…)} java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Message exchange org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl$ResponseFuture@117ffc5 timed out when waiting for a response![/quote]
Alguém poderia por favor me ajudar???
Desde já agradeço!!
Muito Obrigado!!!