Uma notícia em dose dupla para comunidade Groovy!!!
Groovy 1.7.4:
Release Notes
Groovy 1.8.0-1:
Esse vale a pena descrever um pouco mais as novidades…
- closures are now “callable” (inheriting from java.util.concurrent.Callable)
- new AST transformations like
—* @Log to inject a logger in your classes
—* @ScriptField for creating a field in a script (should be renamed to @Field in the next beta)
—* @PackageScope now working also on methods and classes (not just fields as before)
—* @Synchronized for providing safer synchronization semantics
—* @InheritConstructors to inherit constructors, like often the case when extending exception classes
—* @IndexedProperties to add JavaBeans indexed property support
—* @AutoClone providing automatic cloning support to your beans
—* @AutoExternalize providing automatic externalization of your POGOs
—* @Canonical adding proper equals(), hashCode(), toString() methods
—* @EqualsAndHashCode adding an equals() and hashCode() method
—* @ToString for creating a default readable toString() method
—* @TupleConstructor for adding a tuple constructor - an additional syntax for strings, with $/…/$, to circumvent various escaping corner cases, like for example $/a/b\c$$ $//$
- new GDK methods like Map.countBy{}, Map.collectEntries{}, Date.putAt() (subscript operator), Date.updated()
- obviously all other incremental improvements and new features from the Groovy 1.7 branch like
—* the new String methods like tr(), stripMargin(), stripIndent(), (un)expand(),
—* Map’s withDefault{} method,
—* Closure’s ncury() and rcury()
—* Sql’s withBatch{} and withTransaction{}
- obviously all other incremental improvements and new features from the Groovy 1.7 branch like
Ficou com gostinho de quero mais? Então não perca tempo e veja o Release Notes dessa nova versão.
Até mais!