Erro no script de automação (Expect)

Está apresentando o seguinte erro abaixo. Alguém poderia ajudar ? Não consigo mais evoluir.

Automated login failed.
write() failed to write anything - will sleep(1) and retry…

Execução do script:
while read server; do ./ usuario@${server}; done < server

Abaixo o código:

#!/usr/bin/expect -d


Expect script to change login passwords using SSH, with support for one-time

tokens (like SecurID), expired passwords (changed before arriving at the

prompt), on Solaris, AIX, Linux, etc.

License: GPLv3

License URI:

Copyright 2012-2016 Jean-Sebastien Morisset (


$ export OLD_PASSWORD=“oldpwd”

$ export NEW_PASSWORD=“newpwd”

$ ./sshchpwd {server} {port} {token}

The {port} and {token} command-line parameters are optional. If the server

uses SecurID (or another one-time password), enter it on the command-line as

the third parameter.

set timeout 15
set server [lindex $argv 0]
set port [lindex $argv 1]
set tokpwd [lindex $argv 2]
set oldpwd $env(OLD_PASSWORD)
set newpwd $env(NEW_PASSWORD)
set prompt "[>%\$#] "

if { $port == “” } { set port “22” }
if { $tokpwd == “” } { set tokpwd $oldpwd }

send_user "connecting to $server on port $port\n"
spawn ssh -p $port $server

Mission of this first expect - get to the shell command prompt. If the

password is expired and we have to change it before getting to the prompt,

then exit 0 (success).

expect {
"(yes/no)? " {
send_user " (detected unknown host key - accepting)\n"
send “yes\n"
send_user " (continuing expect loop)\n"
“assword:” {
send_user " (detected password login prompt - possibly token)\n"
send “$tokpwd\n"
expect {
” UNIX password:” {
send_user " (detected additional password prompt - old password)\n"
send "$oldpwd\n"
send_user " (continuing expect loop)\n"
-nocase “old password:” {
send_user " (detected password expired prompt)\n"
send "$oldpwd\n"
send_user " (continuing expect loop)\n"
-re “not match the|password mismatch” {
send_user " (assuming expired password change failed)\n"
send "passwd\n"
expect {
-nocase “old password:” {
send_user " (trying with new password)\n"
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send_user "\nPassword is current.\n"
exit 0
“not match the” {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
“between changes.” {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
-re “$prompt” {
send_user " (detected shell command prompt)\n"
send_user "Password successfully changed.\n"
exit 0
"Connection to " {
send_user " (detected connection closed - assuming password change successful)\n"
send_user "Password successfully changed.\n"
exit 0
default {
send_user “\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
“assword:” {
send “$newpwd\n"
expect {
” UNIX password:” {
send_user "\nNew password is expired!\n"
exit 1
-nocase “old password:” {
send_user "\nNew password is expired!\n"
exit 1
“assword:” {
send_user "\nAutomated login failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “$prompt” {
send_user " (detected shell command prompt)\n"
send_user “Password is current.\n"
exit 0
default {
send_user “\nAutomated login failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “$prompt” { send_user " (detected shell command prompt)\n” }
-re “$prompt” { send_user " (detected shell command prompt)\n” }

send “\n”

expect {
-re “$prompt” {
send_user " (changing password at prompt)\n"
send "passwd\n"
expect {
-re “[oO]ld [pP]assword:| UNIX [pP]assword:” {
send "$oldpwd\n"
expect {
“You must wait longer” {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “not match the|password mismatch” {
send "passwd\n"
expect {
-nocase “old password:” {
send_user " (trying with new password)\n"
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send_user "\nPassword is current.\n"
exit 0
“not match the” {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
“between changes.” {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
-re “[nN]ew [pP]assword:|[nN]ew [pP]assword [aA]gain:” {
send "$newpwd\n"
expect {
-re “$prompt” {
send_user " (detected return to shell command prompt)\n"
send_user "Password successfully changed.\n"
exit 0
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nPassword change failed.\n"
exit 1
default {
send_user "\nAutomated login failed.\n"
exit 1