Estou desenvolvendo um software para facturação alguém poderia me explicar como posso criar um ficheiro SAF.T usando java
Cara, andei pesquisando sobre isso, e não achei praticamente nenhuma documentação clara sobre. Vi que isso é uma especie de relatório para prestar contas ao estado (não sei se entendi correto tb). Será que não há nenhuma documentação oficial sobre como gerar isso? Se realmente for algo para ser enviado para algum órgão do estado, vc sabe para qual seria?
até onde eu sei e uma ficheiro xml e serve para ser enviada para Autoridade tributaria(Ao estado).
neste link tem alguma informação mas não consigo perceber muito bem
Encontrei esse link: SAF-T (PT) - Documentação, que vc consegue baixar o XSD. Com o XSD vc consegue ver como o XML deve ser feito.
o problema é que existem campos que não consigo perceber os dados a serem preenchido
Encontrei esse código que consegue gerar o xml a partir do xsd:
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import jlibs.xml.sax.XMLDocument;
import jlibs.xml.xsd.XSInstance;
import jlibs.xml.xsd.XSParser;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String filename = "saftpt1.04_01.xsd";
// instance.
final Document doc = loadXsdDocument(filename);
// Find the docs root element and use it to find the targetNamespace
final Element rootElem = doc.getDocumentElement();
String targetNamespace = null;
if (rootElem != null && rootElem.getNodeName().equals("xs:schema")) {
targetNamespace = rootElem.getAttribute("targetNamespace");
// Parse the file into an XSModel object
org.apache.xerces.xs.XSModel xsModel = new XSParser().parse(filename);
// Define defaults for the XML generation
XSInstance instance = new XSInstance();
instance.minimumElementsGenerated = 1;
instance.maximumElementsGenerated = 1;
instance.generateDefaultAttributes = true;
instance.generateOptionalAttributes = true;
instance.maximumRecursionDepth = 0;
instance.generateAllChoices = true;
instance.showContentModel = true;
instance.generateOptionalElements = true;
// Build the sample xml doc
// Replace first param to XMLDoc with a file input stream to write to file
QName rootElement = new QName(targetNamespace, "Header");
XMLDocument sampleXml = new XMLDocument(new StreamResult(System.out), true, 4, null);
instance.generate(xsModel, rootElement, sampleXml);
} catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static Document loadXsdDocument(String inputName) {
final String filename = inputName;
final DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
Document doc = null;
try {
final DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
final File inputFile = new File(filename);
doc = builder.parse(inputFile);
} catch (final Exception e) {
// throw new ContentLoadException(msg);
return doc;
Nessa parte, onde está Header, altere para o nome do xs:element
que quiser gerar e o xml será impresso no console:
// Replace first param to XMLDoc with a file input stream to write to file
QName rootElement = new QName(targetNamespace, "Header");
É preciso ter essa dependencia para funcionar:
Muito obrigado vou testar
Para AuditFile, por exemplo, o xml ficou assim:
<!--(ns:Header , ns:MasterFiles , ns:GeneralLedgerEntries? , ns:SourceDocuments?)-->
<ns:AuditFile xmlns:ns="urn:OECD:StandardAuditFile-Tax:PT_1.04_01" xmlns:xsi="">
<!--(ns:AuditFileVersion , ns:CompanyID , ns:TaxRegistrationNumber , ns:TaxAccountingBasis , ns:CompanyName , ns:BusinessName? , ns:CompanyAddress , ns:FiscalYear , ns:StartDate , ns:EndDate , ns:CurrencyCode , ns:DateCreated , ns:TaxEntity , ns:ProductCompanyTaxID , ns:SoftwareCertificateNumber , ns:ProductID , ns:ProductVersion , ns:HeaderComment? , ns:Telephone? , ns:Fax? , ns:Email? , ns:Website?)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<ns1:anyElement xmlns:ns1="anyNS"/>
<ns1:anyElement xmlns:ns1="anyNS"/>PT</ns:Country>
<ns1:anyElement xmlns:ns1="anyNS"/>
<ns1:anyElement xmlns:ns1="anyNS"/>EUR</ns:CurrencyCode>
<!--(ns:GeneralLedgerAccounts? , ns:Customer* , ns:Supplier* , ns:Product* , ns:TaxTable?)-->
<!--(ns:TaxonomyReference , ns:Account+)-->
<ns:Account xmlns:ns1="anyNS" ns1:anyAttr="anyValue">
<!--(ns:CustomerID , ns:AccountID , ns:CustomerTaxID , ns:CompanyName , ns:Contact? , ns:BillingAddress , ns:ShipToAddress* , ns:Telephone? , ns:Fax? , ns:Email? , ns:Website? , ns:SelfBillingIndicator)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:SupplierID , ns:AccountID , ns:SupplierTaxID , ns:CompanyName , ns:Contact? , ns:BillingAddress , ns:ShipFromAddress* , ns:Telephone? , ns:Fax? , ns:Email? , ns:Website? , ns:SelfBillingIndicator)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:ProductType , ns:ProductCode , ns:ProductGroup? , ns:ProductDescription , ns:ProductNumberCode , ns:CustomsDetails?)-->
<!--(ns:CNCode* , ns:UNNumber*)-->
<!--(ns:TaxType , ns:TaxCountryRegion , ns:TaxCode , ns:Description , ns:TaxExpirationDate? , (ns:TaxPercentage | ns:TaxAmount))-->
<!--(ns:NumberOfEntries , ns:TotalDebit , ns:TotalCredit , ns:Journal*)-->
<!--(ns:JournalID , ns:Description , ns:Transaction*)-->
<!--(ns:TransactionID , ns:Period , ns:TransactionDate , ns:SourceID , ns:Description , ns:DocArchivalNumber , ns:TransactionType , ns:GLPostingDate , (ns:CustomerID? | ns:SupplierID?) , ns:Lines)-->
<!--(ns:DebitLine ; ns:CreditLine)-->
<!--(ns:RecordID , ns:AccountID , ns:SourceDocumentID? , ns:SystemEntryDate , ns:Description , ns:DebitAmount)-->
<!--(ns:RecordID , ns:AccountID , ns:SourceDocumentID? , ns:SystemEntryDate , ns:Description , ns:CreditAmount)-->
<!--(ns:SalesInvoices? , ns:MovementOfGoods? , ns:WorkingDocuments? , ns:Payments?)-->
<!--(ns:NumberOfEntries , ns:TotalDebit , ns:TotalCredit , ns:Invoice*)-->
<!--(ns:InvoiceNo , ns:ATCUD , ns:DocumentStatus , ns:Hash , ns:HashControl , ns:Period? , ns:InvoiceDate , ns:InvoiceType , ns:SpecialRegimes , ns:SourceID , ns:EACCode? , ns:SystemEntryDate , ns:TransactionID? , ns:CustomerID , ns:ShipTo? , ns:ShipFrom? , ns:MovementEndTime? , ns:MovementStartTime? , ns:Line+ , ns:DocumentTotals , ns:WithholdingTax*)-->
<!--(ns:InvoiceStatus , ns:InvoiceStatusDate , ns:Reason? , ns:SourceID , ns:SourceBilling)-->
<!--(ns:DeliveryID* , ns:DeliveryDate? , (ns:WarehouseID? , ns:LocationID?)* , ns:Address?)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:DeliveryID* , ns:DeliveryDate? , (ns:WarehouseID? , ns:LocationID?)* , ns:Address?)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<ns:Line xmlns:ns1="anyNS" ns1:anyAttr="anyValue">
<!--(ns:TaxPayable , ns:NetTotal , ns:GrossTotal , ns:Currency? , ns:Settlement* , ns:Payment*)-->
<!--(ns:SettlementDiscount? , ns:SettlementAmount? , ns:SettlementDate? , ns:PaymentTerms?)-->
<!--(ns:PaymentMechanism? , ns:PaymentAmount , ns:PaymentDate)-->
<!--(ns:WithholdingTaxType? , ns:WithholdingTaxDescription? , ns:WithholdingTaxAmount)-->
<!--(ns:NumberOfMovementLines , ns:TotalQuantityIssued , ns:StockMovement*)-->
<!--(ns:DocumentNumber , ns:ATCUD , ns:DocumentStatus , ns:Hash , ns:HashControl , ns:Period? , ns:MovementDate , ns:MovementType , ns:SystemEntryDate , ns:TransactionID? , (ns:CustomerID | ns:SupplierID) , ns:SourceID , ns:EACCode? , ns:MovementComments? , ns:ShipTo? , ns:ShipFrom? , ns:MovementEndTime? , ns:MovementStartTime , ns:ATDocCodeID? , ns:Line+ , ns:DocumentTotals)-->
<!--(ns:MovementStatus , ns:MovementStatusDate , ns:Reason? , ns:SourceID , ns:SourceBilling)-->
<!--(ns:DeliveryID* , ns:DeliveryDate? , (ns:WarehouseID? , ns:LocationID?)* , ns:Address?)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<!--(ns:DeliveryID* , ns:DeliveryDate? , (ns:WarehouseID? , ns:LocationID?)* , ns:Address?)-->
<!--(ns:BuildingNumber? , ns:StreetName? , ns:AddressDetail , ns:City , ns:PostalCode , ns:Region? , ns:Country)-->
<ns:Line xmlns:ns1="anyNS" ns1:anyAttr="anyValue">
<!--(ns:TaxPayable , ns:NetTotal , ns:GrossTotal , ns:Currency?)-->
<!--(ns:NumberOfEntries , ns:TotalDebit , ns:TotalCredit , ns:WorkDocument*)-->
<!--(ns:DocumentNumber , ns:ATCUD , ns:DocumentStatus , ns:Hash , ns:HashControl , ns:Period? , ns:WorkDate , ns:WorkType , ns:SourceID , ns:EACCode? , ns:SystemEntryDate , ns:TransactionID? , ns:CustomerID , ns:Line+ , ns:DocumentTotals)-->
<!--(ns:WorkStatus , ns:WorkStatusDate , ns:Reason? , ns:SourceID , ns:SourceBilling)-->
<ns:Line xmlns:ns1="anyNS" ns1:anyAttr="anyValue">
<!--(ns:TaxPayable , ns:NetTotal , ns:GrossTotal , ns:Currency?)-->
<!--(ns:NumberOfEntries , ns:TotalDebit , ns:TotalCredit , ns:Payment*)-->
<ns:Payment xmlns:ns1="anyNS" ns1:anyAttr="anyValue">
Agora confesso que não tenho ideia se isso está correto. =D