Então, eu pretendo desenvolver uma landing page e um hotsite especial também contendo o simulador de aposentadoria utilizando JavaScript com HTML e CSS, com alguns frameworks como Bootstrap, o que acham?
E o código do simulador de aposentadoria pronto está abaixo:
//Formatando inputs
function conv_number(expr, decplaces) {
var str = "" + Math.round(eval(expr) * Math.pow(10, decplaces));
while (str.length <= decplaces) {
str = "0" + str;
var decpoint = str.length - decplaces;
return (str.substring(0, decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint, str.length));
// Função para cálculo do valor presente
function pv(rate, nper, pmt, fv) {
rate = parseFloat(rate);
nper = parseFloat(nper);
pmt = parseFloat(pmt);
fv = parseFloat(fv);
if (nper == 0) {
alert("Why do you want to test me with zeros?");
return (0);
if (rate == 0) { // Interest rate is 0
pv_value = -(fv + (pmt * nper));
} else {
x = Math.pow(1 + rate, -nper);
y = Math.pow(1 + rate, nper);
pv_value = -(x * (fv * rate - pmt + y * pmt)) / rate;
pv_value = conv_number(pv_value, 2);
return (pv_value);
// Função para Cálculo do Valor Futuro
function PMT(rate, nperiod, pv, fv, type) {
if (!fv) fv = 0;
if (!type) type = 0;
if (rate == 0) return -(pv + fv) / nperiod;
var pvif = Math.pow(1 + rate, nperiod);
var pmt = rate / (pvif - 1) * -(pv * pvif + fv);
if (type == 1) {
pmt /= (1 + rate);
return pmt;
function FV(rate, nper, pmt, pv, type) {
var pow = Math.pow(1 + rate, nper),
if (rate) {
fv = (pmt * (1 + rate * type) * (1 - pow) / rate) - pv * pow;
} else {
fv = -1 * (pv + pmt * nper);
return fv.toFixed(2);
var myArray = new Array();
var myArray2 = new Array();
var CenarioA = new Array();
var myArrayB = new Array();
var myArrayB2 = new Array();
var CenarioB = new Array();
var myArrayC = new Array();
var myArrayC2 = new Array();
var CenarioC = new Array();
//Valores Fixos
var parcial = 4.5 / 100; //taxa de juros anual
var rate = Math.pow((1 + parcial), (1 / 12)) - 1; //taxa de juros mensal
var type = 1; //deixar default
var beginningBalance, endingBalance;
//Inputs do Usuário
var periods = 360; //quantidade de meses juntando dinheiro
var lifeexpectancy = 360; //expectativa de vida
var payment = 7500; //objetivo de aposentadoria
var future = 500000; //valor de herança
var initial = 500000; //valor que tenho disponível agora
var deposit = 1500; //depósitos mensais
var vp = pv(rate, periods, payment, future, type);
vp = vp * -1;
vp_temp = vp * -1 //Valor 1
var result = PMT(rate, lifeexpectancy, initial, vp_temp, 0);
beginningBalance = endingBalance = initial;
for (var a = 0; a <= periods; a++) {
beginningBalance = endingBalance
endingBalance = parseFloat(beginningBalance * (1 + rate) + result);
myArray[a] = beginningBalance;
var lastItem = myArray.pop();
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2 = lastItem;
for (var b = 0; b <= lifeexpectancy; b++) {
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2;
endingBalance2 = parseFloat((beginningBalance2 - payment) + (beginningBalance2 * rate));
if (endingBalance2 > future) {
myArray2[b] = endingBalance2;
} else {
myArray2[b] = future;
CenarioA = myArray.concat(myArray2);
var CaixaTeorico, ObjetivoMensalTeorico;
CaixaTeorico = FV(rate, lifeexpectancy, deposit, initial, 0);
CaixaTeorico = CaixaTeorico * -1;
ObjetivoMensalTeorico = PMT(rate, lifeexpectancy, CaixaTeorico * -1, future, 0);
beginningBalance = endingBalance = initial;
for (var a = 0; a <= periods; a++) {
beginningBalance = endingBalance
endingBalance = parseFloat(beginningBalance * (1 + rate) + deposit);
myArrayB[a] = beginningBalance;
lastItem = myArrayB.pop();
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2 = lastItem;
for (var b = 0; b <= lifeexpectancy; b++) {
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2;
endingBalance2 = parseFloat((beginningBalance2 - ObjetivoMensalTeorico) + (beginningBalance2 * rate));
if (endingBalance2 > future) {
myArrayB2[b] = endingBalance2;
} else {
myArrayB2[b] = future;
CenarioB = myArrayB.concat(myArrayB2);
var CaixaTeorico, HerancaTeorica;
CaixaTeorico = FV(rate, lifeexpectancy, deposit, initial, 0);
CaixaTeorico = CaixaTeorico * -1; //Valor 1
HerancaTeorica = FV(rate, lifeexpectancy, payment * -1, CaixaTeorico, 0);
HerancaTeorica = HerancaTeorica * -1; //Valor 1
beginningBalance = endingBalance = initial;
for (var a = 0; a <= periods; a++) {
beginningBalance = endingBalance
endingBalance = parseFloat(beginningBalance * (1 + rate) + deposit);
myArrayC[a] = beginningBalance;
lastItem = myArrayC.pop();
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2 = lastItem;
for (var b = 0; b <= lifeexpectancy; b++) {
beginningBalance2 = endingBalance2;
endingBalance2 = parseFloat((beginningBalance2 - payment) + (beginningBalance2 * rate));
if (endingBalance2 >= HerancaTeorica) {
myArrayC2[b] = HerancaTeorica;
} else {
myArrayC2[b] = endingBalance2;
CenarioC = myArrayC.concat(myArrayC2);