eu preciso de um metodo que calcule o tempo de processamento de um metodo, em segundos, pois o processamento sera rapido.
alguem sabe como eu faço isso usando a classe Date? ou se nao, existe outra forma de fazer?
Já precisei fazer isso, olha o código aí
long startTime =System.currentTimeMillis();
long endTime =System.currentTimeMillis();
usei isso para mediro tempo de parsing de um xml. Se vc precisar de mais precisao, vc pode pedir o tempo corrente em nanosegundos em vez de milisegundos…
aí basta vc subrir o startTime do endTime pra encontrar o tempo de duração.
Acho que é dessa classe que você precisa:
[code]** Time the execution of any block of code. */
public final class Stopwatch {
An example of the use of this class to
time the execution of String manipulation code.
public static void main (String… arguments) {
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();stopwatch.start();
//do stuff
StringBuilder messageOne = new StringBuilder();
int numIterations = 5000;
for(int idx=0; idx < numIterations; ++idx){
//Note that there is no need to call a method to get the duration,
//since toString is automatic here
System.out.println("The reading for StringBuilder is: " + stopwatch);//reuse the same stopwatch to measure an alternative implementation
//Note that there is no need to call a reset method.
stopwatch.start();//do stuff again
String messageTwo = null;
for(int idx=0; idx < numIterations; ++idx){
messageTwo = messageTwo + “blah”;
//perform a numeric comparsion
if ( stopwatch.toValue() > 5 ) {
System.out.println("The reading is high: " + stopwatch);
else {
System.out.println("The reading is low: " + stopwatch);
- Start the stopwatch.
@throws IllegalStateException if the stopwatch is already running.
public void start(){
if ( fIsRunning ) {
throw new IllegalStateException(“Must stop before calling start again.”);
//reset both start and stop
fStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
fStop = 0;
fIsRunning = true;
fHasBeenUsedOnce = true;
- Stop the stopwatch.
@throws IllegalStateException if the stopwatch is not already running.
public void stop() {
if ( !fIsRunning ) {
throw new IllegalStateException(“Cannot stop if not currently running.”);
fStop = System.currentTimeMillis();
fIsRunning = false;
- Express the “reading” on the stopwatch.
- @throws IllegalStateException if the Stopwatch has never been used,
- or if the stopwatch is still running.
public String toString() {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append(fStop - fStart);
result.append(" ms");
return result.toString();
- Express the “reading” on the stopwatch as a numeric type.
- @throws IllegalStateException if the Stopwatch has never been used,
- or if the stopwatch is still running.
public long toValue() {
return fStop - fStart;
// PRIVATE ////
private long fStart;
private long fStop;
private boolean fIsRunning;
private boolean fHasBeenUsedOnce;
- Throws IllegalStateException if the watch has never been started,
- or if the watch is still running.
private void validateIsReadable() {
if ( fIsRunning ) {
String message = “Cannot read a stopwatch which is still running.”;
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
if ( !fHasBeenUsedOnce ) {
String message = “Cannot read a stopwatch which has never been started.”;
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
mas renzonuccitelli
isso que vc colocou calcula em milesimos ne, teria como eu calcular em segundos??
Hmm… já tentou dividir os milésimos por mil