import javax.swing.*;
- Class Entrada - input class for input of simple input types
- via simple dialog box.
- eg. int, char, String, double or boolean.
@author Bruce Quig
@author Michael Kolling
@author Eugene Ageenko
@author Marcelo de G. Malheiros
@version 1.3
- Modified (Aug 12, 2003): Portuguese version, added methods without parameters.
public class Entrada {
// instance variables
static final String STRING_TITLE = “Entre com uma string”;
static final String CHAR_TITLE = “Entre com um char”;
static final String INT_TITLE = “Entre com um int”;
static final String BOOLEAN_TITLE = “Selecione true ou false”;
static final String DOUBLE_TITLE = “Entre com um double”;
static final String TRUE = “true”;
static final String FALSE = “false”;
static final String EMPTY_STRING = “”;
* No constructor by default.
private Entrada() {
** String input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @return String input from the user.
public static String leiaString() {
return leiaString("","");
** String input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @return String input from the user.
public static String leiaString(String prompt) {
return leiaString(prompt,"");
** String input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input string that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return String input from the user.
public static String leiaString(String prompt, String initialValue) {
Object[] commentArray = {prompt, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING};
Object[] options = {"OK"};
boolean validResponse = false;
String result = null;
while (!validResponse) {
final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane(commentArray,
optionPane.setInitialSelectionValue(initialValue); // EA: added
JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(null, STRING_TITLE);
Object response = optionPane.getInputValue();
if (response != JOptionPane.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
result = (String) response;
if (result != null) // EA: added for completnes
validResponse = true;
else {
commentArray[1] = "Entrada inv�lida: ";
commentArray[2] = "Entre com uma string v�lida";
} else {
commentArray[1] = "Precisa entrar com uma string";
commentArray[2] = EMPTY_STRING;
return result;
** returns character input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @return the input character
public static char leiaChar() {
return leiaChar("","");
** returns character input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @return the input character
public static char leiaChar(String prompt) {
return leiaChar(prompt,"");
** returns character input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input value that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input character
public static char leiaChar(String prompt, char initialValue) {
return leiaChar(prompt,Character.toString(initialValue));
** returns character input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input string that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input character
public static char leiaChar(String prompt, String initialValue) {
char response = (initialValue != null && initialValue.length() > 0) ? initialValue.charAt(0) : '-'; // EA: modified
String result = null;
Object[] commentArray = {prompt, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING};
Object[] options = {"OK"};
boolean validResponse = false;
while (!validResponse) {
final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane(commentArray,
optionPane.setInitialSelectionValue(initialValue); // EA: added
JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(null, CHAR_TITLE);
result = null; // EA: added for convinience;
// EA: why character processed in another way that integer?
// EA: meaning that with check for uinitialized case then assignment?
Object input = optionPane.getInputValue();
if (input != JOptionPane.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
result = (String) input;
if (result != null) {
if (result.length() == 1) {
response = result.charAt(0);
validResponse = true;
} else {
commentArray[1] = "Entrada inv�lida: " + result;
commentArray[2] = "Entre com apenas um caracter";
} else {
commentArray[1] = "Entrada inv�lida"; // EA: corrected, no point to print null-object. Question: when it is possible to have null objects?
commentArray[2] = "Entre com apenas um caracter";
} else {
commentArray[1] = "Precisa entrar com apenas um caracter"; //EA: error corrected, result removed
commentArray[2] = EMPTY_STRING; //EA: cannot use result since it is not initialized
return response;
** boolean selection from the user via a simple dialog.
** @return boolean selection from the user
public static boolean leiaBoolean() {
return leiaBoolean("", TRUE, FALSE);
** boolean selection from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt message to appear in dialog
** @return boolean selection from the user
public static boolean leiaBoolean(String prompt) {
return leiaBoolean(prompt, TRUE, FALSE);
** boolean selection from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt message to appear in dialog
** @param trueText message to appear on true "button"
** @param falseText message to appear on "false" button
** @return boolean selection from the user
public static boolean leiaBoolean(String prompt, String trueText, String falseText) {
Object[] commentArray = {prompt, EMPTY_STRING};
boolean validResponse = false;
int result = -1;
while (!validResponse) {
Object[] options = {trueText, falseText};
result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null,
null, //don't use a custom Icon
options, //the titles of buttons
trueText); //the title of the default button, EA: CORRECTED from TRUE
// check true or false buttons pressed
if (result == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION || result == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) // CORRECTED from 0:1
validResponse = true;
} else {
commentArray[1] = "Sele��o incorreta: escolha os bot�es true ou false";
return (result == 0);
** returns integer input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @return the input integer
public static int leiaInt() {
return leiaInt("","");
** returns integer input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @return the input integer
public static int leiaInt(String prompt) {
return leiaInt(prompt,"");
** returns integer input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input value that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input integer
public static int leiaInt(String prompt, int initialValue) {
return leiaInt(prompt,Integer.toString(initialValue));
** returns integer input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input string that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input integer
public static int leiaInt(String prompt, String initialValue) {
Object[] commentArray = {prompt, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING};
Object[] options = {"OK"};
boolean validResponse = false;
int response = 0;
while (!validResponse) {
final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane(commentArray,
optionPane.setInitialSelectionValue(initialValue); // EA: added
JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(null, INT_TITLE);
// EA: rewritten as in leiaChar function
// EA: added or corrected non-portable check for uninitialized value situation
Object input = optionPane.getInputValue();
if (input == JOptionPane.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
commentArray[1] = "Precisa entrar com um valor inteiro"; // EA: explanatory text added
commentArray[2] = EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
String result = (String) input;
if (result == null) { // EA: added for completnes, but is this situation possible?
commentArray[1] = "Valor inteiro inv�lido:";
commentArray[2] = "Entre com um valor inteiro v�lido";
} else {
try {
//workaround for BlueJ bug - misses first exception after compilation
//response = Integer.parseInt(result); // EA: ?
response = Integer.parseInt(result);
validResponse = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
commentArray[1] = "Valor inteiro inv�lido: " + result;
commentArray[2] = "Entre com um valor inteiro v�lido";
initialValue = result; // EA: added
return response;
** returns double input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @return the input double
public static double leiaDouble() {
return leiaDouble("","");
** returns double input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @return the input double
public static double leiaDouble(String prompt) {
return leiaDouble(prompt,"");
** returns double input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input value that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input double
public static double leiaDouble(String prompt, double initialValue) {
return leiaDouble(prompt,Double.toString(initialValue));
** returns double input from the user via a simple dialog.
** @param prompt the message string to be displayed inside dialog
** @param initialValue input string that is initially displayed as selected by the user
** @return the input double
public static double leiaDouble(String prompt, String initialValue) {
Object[] options = {"OK"};
Object[] commentArray = {prompt, EMPTY_STRING, EMPTY_STRING};
boolean validResponse = false;
double response = 0.0;
while (!validResponse) {
final JOptionPane optionPane = new JOptionPane(commentArray,
optionPane.setInitialSelectionValue(initialValue); // EA: added
JDialog dialog = optionPane.createDialog(null, DOUBLE_TITLE);
Object input = optionPane.getInputValue();
if (input == JOptionPane.UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
commentArray[1] = "Precisa entrar com um valor fracion�rio"; // EA: explanatory text added
commentArray[2] = EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
String result = (String) input;
if (result == null) { // EA: added for completnes, but is this situation possible?
commentArray[1] = "valor fracion�rio inv�lido:";
commentArray[2] = "Entre com um valor fracion�rio v�lido";
} else {
// convert String to double
try {
// workaround for BlueJ bug - misses first exception after recompilation?
response = Double.valueOf(result).doubleValue();
response = Double.valueOf(result).doubleValue();
validResponse = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
// EA: case with uninitialized value is moved up
commentArray[1] = "Valor fracion�rio inv�lido: " + result;
commentArray[2] = "Entre com um valor fracion�rio v�lido";
initialValue = result; // EA: corrected
return response;
public static void escrever(String mens){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, mens);
public static void escrever(boolean mens){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + mens);
public static void escrever(char mens){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + mens);
public static void escrever(int mens){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + mens);
public static void escrever(double mens){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "" + mens);
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