7a Conferência Internacional de Sistemas Open Source, 5-8 de outubro em Salvador

Oi pessoal

O professor Fabio Kon, do IME-USP, nos avisa sobre a 7a edição da conferência, que será realizada no Brasil desta vez.

Há um call for papers, e todos estão convidados a submeter seus trabalhos, até dia 8 de abril. Mais informações:


Over the past decade, the Open Source Software (OSS) phenomenon has
had a global impact on the way organisations and individuals create,
distribute, acquire and use software and software-based services. OSS
has challenged the conventional wisdom of the software engineering and
software business communities, has been instrumental for educators and
researchers, and has become an important aspect of e-government and
information society initiatives. OSS is a complex phenomenon and
requires a interdisciplinary understanding of its engineering,
technical, economic, legal and socio-cultural dynamics.

The goal of OSS 2011, the first to be held in South America, is to
provide an international forum where a diverse community of
professionals from academia, industry and public administration can
come together to share research findings and practical experiences.
The conference is also meant to provide information and education to
practitioners, identify directions for further research, and to be an
ongoing platform for technology transfer.

Vai ser um grande evento, quem tiver condições de comparecer não perca a chance.